
How It Works:

Study Tracks & Topics

What Are Study Tracks?

Study Tracks correlate to your overall learning goals – whether you’re studying to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), in preparation to travel to Japan, or just for fun.

What are Study Topics?

Study Topics are sub-categories within specific Study Tracks. They let you pick a specific area you would like to learn about.

Available Study Tracks

Note: All users are required to complete the “Essentials” study topic in the “Kotoba Kards Recommended” study track in order to unlock other Study Tracks & Topics unlock.

Kotoba Kards Recommended

Vocabulary and grammar points within this study track are focused on teaching you the words and grammar points you need to know to continue unlocking more functionality and allow you to get the most out of Kotoba Kards.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Vocabulary and grammar points within this study track are organized by topics. Example vocabulary topics include “Technology” or “History”. Example grammar topics include “Conjugations” or “Expressions”.


Vocabulary and grammar points within this study track are organized into groups based on what you need to know for each of the various JLPT levels (N5 – N1). 


Vocabulary and grammar points within this study track are in order of the selected textbook, allowing you to practice what you’re learning in class.

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