
How It Works:

Getting Started

Answer A Few Questions

In order to help set your learning goals and personalized your experience, Kotoba Kards will ask you a few questions about why you’re interested in learning Japanese as well as how much Japanese you already know.

Take A Placement Test

If you select anything other than “I don’t know any Japanese yet!”, you will be prompted to take a placement test. The placement test helps Kotoba Kards figure out which words you may know already so that you don’t waste time learning vocabulary words you already have down pat.

Fine Tuning

The first several times you use Kotoba Kards will be focused on refining the list of words you know already and determining which ones you still need to learn. How long the fine tuning period lasts depends on the results of your placement test (generally the higher you scored in the placement test, the longer the fine tuning period will be.)

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