
~たい (-tai) Meaning – How to Say “Want To” in Japanese

There are primarily three different expressions that can be used to express wants. In this lesson, we’ll be covering how to say when you want to do something.


Want To

Usage Pattern

Verb Stem + たい (です)
Verb Stem + たくない (です)
Verb Stem + たかった (です)
Verb Stem + たくなかった (です)


JLPT Level: N5

How to Use It

To say “I want to do (verb)” in Japanese, we must use the verb stem and add たいです. For less formal speech, just add たい (without です). 

たい can be conjugated to show present or past tense, positive or negative. It follows the same rules as い-adjectives – drop the final い and add くない, かった, or くなかった.

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Example 1


わたし は ぎゅうにゅう を のみたい です。

Watashi wa gyuunyuu wo nomitai desu.

I want to drink milk.

Example 2


かれ は テレビ を みたかった。

Kare wa terebi wo mitakatta.

He wanted to watch TV.

Example 3


かのじょ は こうえん にいきたくなかった。

Kanojo wa kouen ni ikitakunakatta.

She did not want to go to the park.

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