について (Ni tsuite) Meaning – How to Say “About” in Japanese

Prepositions in English are words that are used to connect to link a word or phrase to other words or phrases. One of the common prepositions in English is “about”, which is typically used when wanting to specify the subject of something or what something is concerning. In this lesson, we’ll be covering how to say “about” in Japanese.


About; Concerning; In Regards To

Usage Pattern

Noun + について
Noun + について + + Noun


JLPT Level: N3

How to Use It

について comes after the noun that is providing the detail (i.e. what it’s about or in regards to). When using について to modify another noun, we must use the possession/noun modifier particle の. 

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Example 1


これ は にほん について の ほん です。

Kore wa nihon nitsuite no hon desu.

This is a book about Japan.

Example 2


がくせい は せんせい と しゅくだい について はなしました。

Gakusei wa sensei to shukudai nitsuite hanashimashita,

The student spoke with the teacher about the homework.